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geriLact 2plus

Product Description

Geri Lact 2 Plus® product is a synbiotic formula (probiotic + prebiotic) that is suitable for all family members. This product contains safe and beneficial bacterial strains along with fructooligosaccharide (FOS) as a prebiotic. Compared to Geri Lact, this product is produced with a different production technology and a larger probiotic population so that its storage and effectiveness conditions are different. The effectiveness of this product has been strengthened so that they can have a stronger effect on digestive problems and complications.

Packaging and pharmaceutical form: 30 oral capsules with patient information brochure.

Uses: treatment of chronic constipation, bloating and abdominal pains/ improvement of metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver and cardiovascular diseases/ prevention of osteoporosis especially after menopause and increased bone mass density/ helping to digest lactose in people with Lactose intolerance / help to improve the absorption of calcium and increase the synthesis of group B vitamins / improve the digestion and absorption of food such as proteins and fats.

Amount and method of use: Take 1 or 2 capsules daily or as directed by your doctor.

Therapeutic effects and pharmacology: Geri Lact 2 Plus® contains high amounts of effective bacterial strains and oligosaccharide prebiotics with an advanced formulation, the best choice for improving digestive problems in the elderly. By restoring the natural microbiome of the digestive system, this product improves the function of this system and regulates the immune system. Geri Locket 2 Plus® is effective in improving chronic constipation and digestive problems in adults and the elderly.

The use of aluminum foils in the packaging of this product has ensured the quality, stability and number of bacteria at room temperature.

Gastrointestinal and cardiovascular disorders are common in middle-aged people, probiotics modify the gastrointestinal microbiome and improve digestive function in middle-aged people. Faecal excretion and consistency improves due to the change in transit time and intestinal movements in people with chronic constipation after using Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus strains.

Probiotics are effective in relieving abdominal pain, bloating, and irritable bowel syndrome because they increase the population of lactic acid-producing bacteria in the gut microbiome. In addition, prebiotics enhance the effect of probiotics and improve metabolic diseases such as hyperlipidemia, type 2 diabetes, etc. These short-chain fatty acids maintain the integrity of the gut by promoting the proliferation and differentiation of epithelial cells. Probiotics with their effect on the absorption of nutrients increase the absorption of calcium and thus are effective in increasing bone density and preventing osteoporosis.

Drug interactions: simultaneous use of antibiotics with probiotics may reduce the effectiveness of probiotics. Therefore, it is recommended to take these two drugs at least two hours apart.

Precautions and warnings: Continuous and long-term use of probiotics has no complications or limitations, but continuous use of this product for more than three months is not recommended.

In the following cases, inform the doctor before taking the medicine

Having certain conditions such as immunodeficiency and AIDS, taking immunosuppressive drugs or chemotherapy, using intravenous catheters, heart valve disease, active ulcerative colitis, short bowel syndrome, symptoms of infection (such as high fever, chills and persistent cough) and any History of drug or food allergy.

If you notice any symptoms of severe infection (such as high fever, chills and persistent cough) or allergic reactions such as skin rash, itching, hives, swelling of the face, mouth and tongue, severe dizziness, cough, shortness of breath, inform your doctor or pharmacist immediately. give

Contraindications: Do not use this product if you have a history of allergy to any of the product's components.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding: based on the formulation and production technology, the use of GeriLact Two Plus® during pregnancy is prohibited.

It is safe to use this product during breastfeeding, but it is better to use it with the doctor's opinion.

Storage conditions: Store at a temperature below 25 degrees Celsius (room temperature), away from moisture and direct sunlight.

Keep out of sight and reach of children.

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