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Side effects

Natural products
Zimosil 100
Femi Locket Veg
babt east
Broca 140 / 420 (Ibrutinib)

Side effects

Zimosil, like other drugs, may cause some unwanted side effects along with the therapeutic effects, although not all people suffer from these side effects. If any of the following very rare side effects occur, stop taking Zimosil and immediately go to the medical center: Severe and life-threatening allergic reactions. Symptoms may include a rash, difficulty swallowing or breathing, swelling of the lips, face, throat, or tongue. Heavy bleeding, blistering, bleeding, crusting, or fluid-filled lesions on any part of the skin, including the lips, eyes, mouth, nose, genitals, hands, or feet. Tell your doctor or pharmacist if any of the following rare side effects become serious or last more than a few days: Headache, ringing in the ears, rapid heartbeat, feeling sick, diarrhea, inflammation of the skin of the mouth or lips, abdominal pain, swelling of the deeper layers of the skin due to fluid accumulation, itching, fever, low blood pressure, narrowing of the airways. , shortness of breath and indigestion.