

Hello, my daughter is 13 months old and she has diarrhea, can I use Kid Locket sachet?
Hello, I am 5 years old and have severe reflux. I had an endoscopy four years ago. It was reflux. I took Lansoprazole tablets with a digestive system. I took them regularly because the stomach acid was not getting better. Now it has been 4 months. It is so severe. Thank you for your help.
Hello. I wanted to ask if the Femi Locket capsule cures stomach and intestinal pain or relieves the pain! How long should it be used?
Hello, don't worry, I have had irritable bowel disease for a year. I only took Mborin until three months ago, when the doctor wrote Pro Digest for me. It didn't make any difference. Two weeks ago, I also took Pylo Shot, but it didn't make any difference. What are the best for irritable bowel? What do you recommend? Please guide me
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