Zist News

Zist News

Celebrating the anniversary of bio fermentation company

Celebrating the anniversary of bio fermentation company

The presence of Zit Khamtir pharmaceutical company in the sixth Iran Pharma exhibition

The presence of Zit Khamtir pharmaceutical company in the sixth Iran Pharma exhibition

The honorable presence of Mr. Sattari and Mr. Harirchi at the product unveiling ceremony

The honorable presence of Mr. Sattari and Mr. Harirchi at the product unveiling ceremony

Unveiling of Femi Locket 2 Plus, Geri Locket 2 Plus, Lactogam and Piloshot products

Unveiling of Femi Locket 2 Plus, Geri Locket 2 Plus, Lactogam and Piloshot products

meeting with the president

meeting with the president

Group visit of the media members to bio fermentation pharmaceutical complex

Group visit of the media members to bio fermentation pharmaceutical complex

Aid packages for Arbaeen

Aid packages for Arbaeen

Unveiling of ibrutinib drug

Unveiling of ibrutinib drug

Visit of Mr. Dehghani, scientific vice president

Visit of Mr. Dehghani, scientific vice president